What Kinds of Software Do Banks Use?

When you think of a bank, what are the first images that come to mind? A teller at a booth? Security guards? A giant...

The Origins of Business

By Keith Roberts This essay outlines how business entities began and grew to become the recognizable ancestors of modern business. It suggests that deliberate innovation and marketing are...

Too systemic to fail: Consequences, causes, and potential remedies

By Raghuram Rajan Perhaps the single biggest distortion to the free enterprise system is when a number of private institutions are deemed by political and...

Strategic ALM and Integrated Balance Sheet Management: The Future of Bank Risk Management

 By Moorad Choudhry The traditional approach to asset-liability management (ALM) practice in banks operated as a reactive process following product origination by the customer-facing business....
postbank ONE wallet

Postbank presents ONE wallet – a last generation mobile wallet

The free service provides Postbank’s customers with convenience, excellent experience and a modern payment method ONE wallet by Postbank is the latest service in the...

Play to Pay: Why Gamification in Fintech Actually Works

Gamification is what happens when you apply the typical framework and structure of a game to other activities, such as education—or in this case,...
Jason Lee

Allowing Employees Early Access to their Honest Dollar

Interview with Jason Lee, CEO of DailyPay Many of us have faced having "a lot of month left at the end of the money", as...
BTC Software

Why Should Banks Have Bitcoin Software?

The expansion of Crypto tokens in multiple countries is gradually attaining the position. However, conventional banks hesitate to provide the brilliant services of digital...

How the City of London Shaped Modern Finance

The City of London occupies a divisive role in our collective aspirations and viewpoints. For some, it is the global epicenter of dynamism, influence,...

Where Have All the American Banks Gone?

By Robert E. Wright and Richard Sylla With the evolution of banking over the years, many banks have flourished and declined in America. It has...

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