An Industry Under Siege: The Hidden Costs of Rising Crime in the Jewelry Industry


In the world of precious gems and ornate craftsmanship, a dark shadow looms over the jewelry industry, threatening to tarnish its glittering facade. Crimes against jewelers are escalating in the U.S. and Canada, resulting in significant financial losses for business owners. 

According to Jewelers Mutual® Group, crime in the jewelry industry is up 15% year-over-year, and has risen a staggering 50% since 2019. While the monetary losses are evident, the hidden costs of this rising crime wave have yet to come into the spotlight.

Beyond the staggering financial toll on jewelry businesses, the consequences of these crimes extend far beyond mere numbers. The first and most profound hidden cost is the loss of safety that accompanies a burglary. For small business owners and their employees, who often pour their hearts and souls into their work, the invasion of their sacred space is a devastating blow. The sense of security, once taken for granted, is replaced by constant fear and vulnerability.

The loss of livelihood is yet another grim aspect of these incidents. For many jewelers, their businesses are not just a means of income but a lifelong dream nurtured with passion. A burglary can strip away not only precious inventory but also hope, aspirations, and years of hard work.

Even more harrowing is the potential loss of life. As the rate of burglary attacks accelerates, the risk of violent encounters with criminals increases. Jewelers, who are often seen as soft targets, are put in harm’s way, and their lives hang in the balance during these terrifying moments.

In the shadows of escalating crime within the jewelry industry, the profound impact on company culture is often overlooked. Employees who once felt safe and comfortable in their workplace may become wary, affecting morale and productivity. Trust, the cornerstone of a productive and close-knit team, is shattered, and the atmosphere becomes tense and guarded.

Fortunately, amidst these bleak revelations, hope has emerged in the form of the Partner for Protection Initiative. Recognizing the urgent need for collective action against crime, the movement empowers the jewelry industry to rethink security with a proactive approach. Partner for Protection is a rallying cry, urging everyone involved to stay vigilant in their communities and adhere to higher safety and security standards.

The initiative brings jewelers together, fostering a network of support and knowledge-sharing. It encourages businesses to invest in advanced security measures, training for employees, and close cooperation with law enforcement agencies. By acting as a united front, the jewelry industry aims to deter criminals and make their malicious activities increasingly difficult.

“While it’s hard to directly measure the impact from loss prevention awareness and education, we’re confident that the age-old adage “knowledge is power” holds true – crimes are very likely averted every day because jewelers are remaining vigilant and consistent in their loss prevention procedures learned within Jewelers Mutual’s Safety and Security Academy. We’ve also had successful recovery of product and criminal apprehensions as a result of our asset tracking program,” explains Mike Alexander, Chief Operating Officer of Jewelers Mutual® Group.

The jewelry industry faces a formidable challenge in combating the rising crime wave. While financial losses are evident, the hidden costs of these incidents are equally, if not more, detrimental.

The Partner for Protection Initiative seeks to raise awareness about the hidden costs of rising crime in the jewelry sector. By shedding light on the emotional and psychological toll these incidents take on individuals and businesses, the industry can garner more support from the public and policymakers.

The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of The World Financial Review.